This page provides an interactive directory for finding the fact sheets, technology information sheets, and checklists prepared in support of vapor intrusion (VI) mitigation training. The interactive directory presents the relationship between work products prepared by the VI mitigation training team.
Lists of acronyms, glossary terms, and references cited in the fact sheets are also available on this website.
User Instructions for Interactive Directory: Click on the individual buttons within the graphical interactive directory to navigate to each fact sheet, technology information sheet, or checklist.

If the graphical interactive directory does not work in your browser, please use the links on the side margin or click here to find links to each document.
Directory for Vapor Intrusion Training Team Materials
- Navigating This Website
- Interactive Directory
- Fact Sheet: Introduction and Overview of Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Training Team
- Conceptual Site Models for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
- Fact Sheet: Public Outreach during Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
- Rapid Response & Ventilation for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
- Active Approaches
- Passive Approaches
- Checklists for Active & Passive Mitigation Approaches
- Remediation & Institutional Controls
- Emerging Technologies
- Supporting Information for Design and Implementation of Mitigation Approaches
- Additional Information